I have been growing and getting old observing my country has not changed or progressed. It has been very painful for my intellect to think about what in the world Pakistan’s politicians and think tanks are doing. Watching the world progressing even after recessions and pandemics. We are not moving forward but going back to the age of nonsense. What I have observed over my lifetime in Pakistan, the last 20 years of this century, has turned out to be one big nonsense.
The education sector has declined from its true focus because of the corruption and selfishness of think tanks, politicians, and the Godfathers of Pakistan. Naya Pakistan cannot be developed without revamping the education, health, and employment sectors. The media channels and news channels in Pakistan have played an important role in derailing Pakistan from its core issue. The only issues that are being discussed in Pakistani News Channels are the problems of politicians, and how they can benefit more. The issue is not that we do not have talent or intellect in our country. Curse be upon an education that makes a person cowardly. It’s a blessed education that makes a person more fearless and bold and compassionate in the choices one makes.
The moment of truth is not that the root of all problems in Pakistan is not negative GDP, BOP, Corruption, Justice, or politicians, The root of all evil is the destitute situation of education in Pakistan. Every pundit in my country is responsible for the mess.
Especially all entertainment media & news channels whose brains are sponsored by some toothpaste or washing powder, not by their consciousness or patriotism, or compassion.
If I am to start to explain briefly, it is the birth of Our first Prophet Hazrat Adam a.s who was first taught by Almighty himself, and then he taught what he learned to the Angels. The first verse of the Quran that came to the last & Most loved prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) was IQRA means to read. Almighty Allah (SWT) has cleared his message that there is no going forward before learning and realizing. This is the way that we come to the part where we say Knowledge is God.
Knowledge is not information that we have these days on google. Knowledge is the realization of what is right and what is wrong between the choices we make in our daily lives. It is wisdom. If I have to write about what is knowledge then I can spend hours writing and writing about it, and it will need many lives until the end of this world and still, all of us won’t be able to do justice to defining knowledge.
If I come straight to the solution again i.e. revamping the education system in Pakistan, starting with lifting the sanctions on the education of age-bound education rules would be the first thing to do, Yes you are reading it correctly that when someone has not been studying for some years of his life and has a gap in his studies, the one needs to get permission on court paper (stamp paper) for continuing studying further like it’s a soft crime.
In Pakistan, a Student does not know what career he will choose until he comes to the age of 17 and is done with his matriculation exams. For intermediate one needs to opt between Pre-Medical or pre-engineering and Commerce or Computers (PPCC). A person who opts for pre-engineering for his/her high school XI & XII, can not become a doctor, and a student who opts for pre-medical can not become an engineer for life. If one has to change career path he/she has no option but to repeat the two years again. A person who opts for Commerce or Computers also can not get admission to medical MBBS.
One typically has to study from the age of 2.5 yrs to the age of 19 then he can choose a career according to the rules described. 99% of schools & colleges in Pakistan do not have career counselors. The only counselors are parents and friends as usually students opt for what their best friends are opting for. In short, our students don’t know what path to choose until they clear their Matriculation exams. These next two years of their life will decide their fate further. The studies that a student has been doing for the last 17 years are all rubbish in respect to career selection and skills acquired null.
A person in Pakistan can easily observe that our students who have are not able to cope in mathematics become doctors. Our students who find it difficult to study BIO opt for engineering and those who opt for commerce or computers clearly are weak in both subjects i.e. mathematics and bio. So one is not left with many choices in Pakistan. This is Pakistan’s education choice left for youth.

The Pakistani education system still needs to shift from rote-based education and teaching skills to provide a basis for the next generation’s professional development. When education fails to meet the needs of the people, how do they expect the economy to flourish??. Underneath this problem, we need a solution that would provide us with new job opportunities and promote our economy at large but that too needs to start based on current available talent and abilities but through technological advancements instead of just diplomas.
In a country of 230 million people and we do not manufacture to cope with the demands in the country, one has to think about importing basic skills needed for manufacturing. If we don’t import skills now, it will be a struggle to adapt to life in a nation of 230 million people. To learn new skills, one has to go abroad or study abroad. These two options are the easiest and costliest ways to learn different types of skills. But these two options can take years or even make you financially burdened. So what is the solution? It is revamping education with skill sets for every basic need in our country!
1- NO EXAMINATION BOARDS. We can have schools where boards are of no use and a single parent board is enough which can be managed by prevailing local boards in respective cities. I suggest that we should abolish examination boards and make schools responsible for exams up to matriculation. A Blockchain system can be used to archive student data throughout. A Blockchain system can be used to record the archives of students’ data throughout. A single “Pakistan Education Evaluation Centre” PEEC should be responsible for all early childhood education & care, and all types of training nationally.

2- EDUCATION MEANS SKILLS. Education without skills and personality development is like an unguided missile. Its is absolute nonsense when after 18 years of studying life you do not have a single personal or professional skill. For example. A student after matriculation should have the know-how of the tools professionally used. (Plumbing tools, Carpeting, car, and bike mechanic tools, electrician equipment, a construction worker, a farmer’s or any other skilled pro tools.) one should be able to do little chores for his house and neighbors on his own.
3- COMMUNITY WORK. Community services are unpaid work performed by a person or group of individuals for the betterment of society, since it is not always voluntary and can be made compulsory for students, students can perform community work & services for the extra marks in weak subjects. That way we can generate a new workforce for our cities and villages. The areas are Schools, hospitals, municipal, neighbor watch, police work, district management, transport system, markets or bazaars, sports, surveys, and work at different types of NGOs can be done by male-female students for the betterment of society and their personal gains in weak subjects.
4- NO HOMEWORK Homework is working without supervision, I think school timings should be from 9 am till 5 pm. Students can do lunch at school, a lunch where they take part in cooking and managing. There then remains nothing to assign work for home. Students who are weak in any subject can clear those subjects later in other classes.
5- NO EXAMS. Schools and colleges should become so comfortable & flexible that every student enjoys staying at school or college. Exams are just pressure and we don’t need to give such pressure on students instead a teacher is required to assess the performance of any student throughout his school and college life. On behalf of the Provisional Certificate, a Certificate of Appreciation should be given to students signed by the highest authority in the city for the skills and volunteering work one has performed in school or college.

6- EXISTING TEACHERS’ TRAINING FOR THE NEW SYSTEM. Highly educated and trained professionals for teaching are needed to be hired. Existing teachers should be trained according to the new system and if any teacher has professional skills one should be given preference. Existing government Teachers who are unable to cope with the new system can be assigned supervision of students and management work. We do not need to lay off our existing teachers. But new skilled blood is always welcome.
7- Multi-professional cooperation with the aim of supporting teachers & students. Schools and colleges should work in cooperation with professionals doing business and services in society. Sometimes you find kids working in garages and at mechanics they can also become part of the new school system by working where they are working and just completing assignments. At least this way they will clear their primary & secondary education.
8- CHANGE THE POSITION SYSTEM TO A MORALE SYSTEM. There should be no positioning system in our schools and colleges no gold medals this is demotivating for others and less privileged. A talented genius student may require an appreciation for his works and skills but a new way of appreciation can be found, where the work or skills itself becomes an appreciation.
9- ANYONE CAN OPT FOR ANY CAREER THEY WANT TO PURSUE AFTER HIGH School. Yes! We need our Schools & college systems to be more flexible in career path selection and it should let the students learn the limit of their abilities by working in areas where they want to.

10- ONLY ONE CURRICULUM. One single core curriculum is required to be built nationally. This will leave space for locally designed curricula in order to facilitate different areas and cities and geo-locations and cultures. When a person becomes more familiar with their chosen field and crafts, they become more efficient & effective, and knowledgeable about it, which automatically helps them to substitute the less able to fill the technical, creative, and analytical skills that they lack. This decentralized system should be based on locally designed and fabricated curricula, in which students’ individual needs are taken into consideration.
I am pretty sure that we need to generate a nation full of skill we dont need rote based education anymore. if we start today it will take us years to reach our goals but if we dont do something today we are sure to be doomed.