January 15, 2025

یک زمانہ صحبت با اولیا
بہتر از صد سالہ طاعت بے ریا
A moment of companionship with the saints
is better than a hundred years of sincere worship

صحبت صالح ترا صالح کند
صحبت طالح ترا طالح کند
The company of the righteous makes you righteous
The company of the wicked makes you wicked

اولیا را ہست قدرت از الہ
تیر جستہ باز آرندش راہ
The saints have power from Allah
They can even bring back an arrow shot

گفت پیغمبرؐ با آواز بلند
بر توکل زانوئے اُشتر بہ بند
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said loudly,
Trust in Allah but tie the camel’s knee

رمز الگاسبُ حبیب اللہ شنو
از توکل در سبب کاہل مشو
Understand the hint that the one who earns lawful sustenance is Allah’s friend
Do not become lazy relying on trust alone

چیست دنیا از خدا غافل بدن
نے قماش و نقرہ و فرزندان و زن
What is the world? Being heedless of Allah
Not wealth, silver, children, and wife

نام احمد ؐ نام جملہ انبیا ست
چونکہ صد آمد نود ہم پیش ماست
The name Ahmad (peace be upon him) includes all the names of the prophets
As when a hundred comes, ninety is included

کاملے گر خاک گیرد زر شود
ناقص ار زَر بُرد خاکستر شود
A perfect person turns dust into gold
An imperfect one turns gold into ashes

قافیہ اندیشم و دلدارِ من
گویدم مندیش جز دیدارِ من
I worry about the rhyme, and my beloved
says to me, think of nothing but my vision

چوں تو شیریں نیستی فرہاد باش
چوں نہ لیلیٰ تو مجنوں گرد فاش
When you are not Shirin, be Farhad
When you are not Layla, openly be Majnun

در بہاراں کے شود سَر سبز سنگ
خاک شو تا گل بَروید رنگ رنگ
In the spring, a stone never turns green
Become dust so that colorful flowers may bloom

همنشینی مُقبلاں چوں کمیاست
چوں نظر شاں کیمائے خود کجاست
The company of the accepted ones of God is like gold
Rather, their gaze is more valuable than gold

ہیں کہ اسرافیل وقتند اولیا
مُردہ را زیشاں حیات ست و نما
Beware, the saints are the Israfil of their time
The dead receive life and growth from them

مطلق آں آواز از شہ بود
گرچہ از حلقوم عبداللہ بود
That voice is entirely from the Lord
Though it comes from Abdullah’s throat

رو کہ بی یَسمَعُ وَ بیِ یَبصِرُ توئی
سِر توئی چہ جائے صاحب سِر توئی
Go, for you are the one with ‘He hears and sees through Me’
You are the secret, why the need for the secret keeper?

بہر کیکے تو کلیمے را مسوز
در صداع ہر مگس مگذارروز
Do not burn the whole cloak because of a louse
Do not abandon the day because of the noise of a fly

هر که اُو بے مرشدے در راہ شد
اُو زغولاں گمرہ و در چاہ شد
Whoever sets out on the path without a guide
is led astray by demons and falls into the well

صد هزاراں نیزه فرعون را
در شکست آں موسیٰ با یک عصا
Thousands of spears of Pharaoh
were broken by Moses with a single staff

صد هزاراں طب جالنیوس بود
پیش عیسیٰ و دمش افسوس بود
Thousands of medical prescriptions by Galen
were of no use before the breath of Jesus

صد هزاراں دفتر اشعار بود
پیش حرِف اُمیش آں عار بود
Thousands of poetic books
were ashamed before the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

هَمْسری با انبیا برداشتند
اولیا را همْچو خود پنداشتند
They claimed equality with the prophets
and considered the saints to be like themselves

گفتہ اینک ما بشر ایشاں بشر
ما و ایشاں بستہ خوابیم و خور
Saying that we are human and so are they
We and they are bound by sleep and food

کار پاکاں را قیاس از خود مگیر
گرچہ باشد در نوشتن شیر شیرِ
Do not compare the deeds of the pure with your own
Though a lion in writing and milk share the same letters

مومنی اُو مومنی تو بیگماں
درمیانِ هر دو فرقے بیکراں
You are a believer, and without doubt, He is also a believer
There is an infinite difference between the two believers

بادہ در جوشش گدائے جوشِ ماست
چرخ در گردش فدائے هوشِ ماست
Wine in its bubbling is a beggar of our bubbling
The sky in its rotation is a sacrifice to our wisdom

بادہ از ما مست شدنے ما ازو
قالب از ما ہست شد نے ما ازو
Wine is bubbling because of us, not us because of it
The body is formed because of us, not us because of it

Here are the references from the Quran and Hadith for each relevant verse of the poem:

  1. صحبت صالح ترا صالح کند صحبت طالح ترا طالح کند
  • Hadith Reference: “A person is upon the religion of his friend, so let one of you look at whom he befriends.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith 2378)
  1. گفت پیغمبرؐ با آواز بلند بر توکل زانوئے اُشتر بہ بند
  • Hadith Reference: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Tie your camel and then put your trust in Allah.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith 2517)
  1. رمز الگاسبُ حبیب اللہ شنو از توکل در سبب کاہل مشو
  • Hadith Reference: “The honest and trustworthy merchant will be with the Prophets, the truthful, and the martyrs.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith 1209)
  1. چیست دنیا از خدا غافل بدن
  • Quran Reference: “Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children.” (Quran 57:20)
  1. نام احمد ؐ نام جملہ انبیا ست
  • Quran Reference: “And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: ‘O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming the Torah [which came] before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.’ But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, ‘This is evident sorcery!'” (Quran 61:6)
  1. قافیہ اندیشم و دلدارِ من گویدم مندیش جز دیدارِ من
  • Hadith Reference: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “You will be with those whom you love.” (Bukhari, Hadith 3688)
  1. هر که اُو بے مرشدے در راہ شد اُو زغولاں گمرہ و در چاہ شد
  • Quran Reference: “And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful, We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion.” (Quran 43:36)
  1. صد هزاراں نیزه فرعون را در شکست آں موسیٰ با یک عصا
  • Quran Reference: “So We inspired to Moses, ‘Strike with your staff the sea,’ and it parted, and each portion was like a great towering mountain.” (Quran 26:63)
  1. مومنی اُو مومنی تو بیگماں درمیانِ هر دو فرقے بیکراں
  • Quran Reference: “And do not say of those who are killed in the way of Allah, ‘They are dead.’ Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.” (Quran 2:154)

These references illustrate the connections between the verses of the poem and Islamic teachings found in the Quran and Hadith.

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